01/18/2025 09:28 PM PrimePlugin RaidTools
The primeplugins consisting of:
Prime Vitals
Prime Party Vitals (beta)
Prime Bags
Prime Parse... li>PrimePlugin (13.2.1)
01/04/2025 02:49 AM
Lost Lore reference provides an in-game list of locations to find lost lore pages and other hard-to-find items like treasure chests and dwarf markers. This plugin is supported by my Vinny Loader...
12/23/2024 04:01 PM
NEW! TerrainMap is now the basis for a new Google map of Middle Earth. You can view all of the terrain of TerrainMap (without the undeveloped areas) as a contiguous...
12/15/2024 03:47 PM
NOT JUST FOR THE 'MOORS ANYMORE! (well actually not for a loooong time now ) Ever wish you could annotate your own copy...
12/13/2024 09:35 AM
DESCRIPTION (Francais) HorseStable est un petit plugin pour avoir un acces rapide a vos montures Vous pouvez effacer un raccourci avec la mollete de la souris sur...