Windows XP and Vista Launcher Issues Solution

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  • Windows XP and Vista Launcher Issues Solution

    auf >Neues und Ankuendigungen (Englisch)< wurde geschrieben:

    We have created a workaround for players who are having difficulty launching the LOTRO game client on Windows Vista and Windows XP following a game update on May 31st, 2017. If you are using either of these operating systems, here is the process to resolve your issue:

    1. Download the following two files:

    For any players who uninstalled / re-installed in an effort to get their client running since May 31st, who are still not able to run the game, a third download may be necessary. That file is available here:

    2. Locate your LOTRO installation directory. By default, this installation path is either "C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\The Lord of the Rings Online" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\The Lord of the Rings Online" depending on when you installed the game client.

    3. Back up your TurbineLauncher.exe.config. This can be done by creating a copy of the file in a new folder on your computer.

    4. Place the two downloaded files (lotroclient_awesomium.exe and TurbineLauncher.exe.config) into your installation directory. If you needed the Awesomium Dependencies zip file, unzip the file into this location.

    5. Launch the game.

    This will allow you to launch the game client. You will now be using a slightly different game client from the one used by players utilizing newer operating systems.

    - The LOTRO Store will open in an external web browser (whichever browser you have as your default.)
    - You may be asked by your operating system whether you trust the files as safe. You can select OK to approve the files.
    - This is a temporary workaround pending further investigation. We will let players know when we have more information to pass along.
    - This process will need to be done again when the LOTRO game client is updated.
    - Players may not see a working Help menu. Tickets can be submitted here:
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