2015 LOTRO PvMP and PvE Player’s Council Announcement!!!!

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  • 2015 LOTRO PvMP and PvE Player’s Council Announcement!!!!

    auf >Entwicklertagebücher & offizielle Diskussion< wurde geschrieben:

    As you may know by now, the 2015 LOTRO PvMP and PVE Player’s Councils have been chosen and the participants have begun giving feedback. They represent many play styles, countries, and walks of life. We look forward to hearing their feedback and suggestions.

    Grimdoin_EU UwS-Harledir
    SabrielofLorien Yicky
    Lilka Yand
    Tetisheri Sezneg
    joeltwiggins Blodspill
    Macisliz Bitemarks
    krazymouse2 Murtanion
    Warmutkan KayleahSunshine
    AquitasOfNimrodel Constrictions
    Aadamo Diesel33g
    Krucipisek MrWarg
    Proudcdn Ettenmoors Emperor
    Frisco Maneskold
    Naurien Screttlesllim
    dangerdog Carlanya
    amimain2 Theomur
    Weka Irin19
    PkCrichton Crazytune
    Leixy Ellodh
    Eruadarion BelechTheWild
    Bobbej Makawulf
    gk11 Elena
    Mar-Evayave Usabyz
    We would like to take this opportunity to thank the 2014 Players Council for all their hard work and dedication. They were extremely dedicated and were a great help as we transitioned to what our current team is now. Much of the content you play and love from the last year is in-part a result of the great feedback they gave the team.
    Quelle: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?569241-2015-LOTRO-PvMP-and-PvE-Player’s-Council-Announcement!!!!&goto=newpost
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