Update 23.3.3 Release Notes

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  • Update 23.3.3 Release Notes

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    Update 23.3.3 Release Notes

    Here are the Release Notes for Update 23.3.3, released on Monday, March 4th.

    News and Notes:


    • Many Moria-content-related items have been re-statted to modern numbers.
    • Lorien item sets now have a maximum level of 70. Their existing minimum level of 60 remains unchanged.
    • Some essences for levels 50 - 105 have had their benefits adjusted down slightly. Essences with minimum usage 106+ were not altered.
    • Selection boxes of medium might gear have been removed from quest rewards throughout the game.

    Quests and Adventure Areas

    • Anvil of Winterstith
      • Some work has been done in the Ice Caves to prevent drakes from getting stuck.
      • Isvitha will now spawn as an NPC and require someone to approach her to begin the battle.
      • Various enemy pathing fixes have been made.

    • Lothlórien
      • The Sons of Leaf and Stone Instance is no longer blocked by Mallorns.
      • Some lantern placement has been adjusted in the quest Lanterns Aglow.
      • Foliage has been cleared from the Ring of Melbrethil.

    Known Issues:

    • The 11th Anniversary Pinwheel Fireworks item is not currently producing fireworks. We will be fixing this in the near future.
    • Level 5 and 10 medium might gear selection boxes have been removed from the game.
    Quelle: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?671594-Update-23-3-3-Release-Notes&goto=newpost
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