Quelle: https://forums.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?696452-Join-Scenario-for-a-sneak-peek-at-Swanfleet-in-Before-the-Shadow!&goto=newpostauf >Neues und Ankuendigungen (Englisch)< wurde geschrieben:
Join Scenario for a sneak peek at Swanfleet in Before the Shadow: Friday 12:00pm Eastern (-4 GMT) on Twitch.tv/LOTROstream! This will be your first opportunity to join us for a stroll through this upcoming region. Join us in chat!
The archive will be embedded here later in the day after things finish processing. FYI, we also have an article on Swanfleet coming to LOTRO.com, but it's not quite ready yet.
Join Scenario for a sneak peek at Swanfleet in Before the Shadow!
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