Quelle: https://forums.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?696848-Join-SSG_Orion-and-myself-for-a-look-at-Delvings-tomorrow!&goto=newpostauf >Neues und Ankuendigungen (Englisch)< wurde geschrieben:
Tomorrow's +Cord of the Rings will be a deeper look into Delvings, and a great place to ask any crunchier questions you might have, as I'll be joined by the person who had a big role in making it, SSG_Orion! He'll largely handle the answering and I'll be showing the system in action on video and helping out with things.
Starts at Noon Eastern (-4 GMT) on Twitch.tv/LOTROstream on Friday, October 28th (tomorrow)! The archive will be available on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook, and will be embedded into this post.
Join SSG_Orion and myself for a look at Delvings tomorrow!
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