Quelle: https://forums.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?698496-Known-Issue-Ill-Omens-Tier-3-Essence-Bounty-Above-Level-130&goto=newpostauf >Neues und Ankuendigungen (Englisch)< wurde geschrieben:
Level 140 characters receiving an Ill Omens Essence Bounty from the deed "Skirmish Assault: Ill Omens (Tier 3)" should refrain from opening the package until we can add a level 140 essence selection package with the next update. Currently the Ill Omens Essence Bounty package will only reward essences up through level 130. After Update 34.3, currently scheduled for March 1st, players will be able to open a level 140 Delver's Lively Essence Box if they wait to open the Ill Omens Essence Bounty until 34.3 is released.
Known Issue: Ill Omens Tier 3 Essence Bounty Above Level 130
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